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Nanwrimo 2017 exert

Chapter One

The ropes chafing against my wrists and ankles was my first clue that I did not want to be here. As I opened my eyes to look around nothing was inviting. The walls were a tan fabric. I was on my side on a brown rug. Craning my head up I gasped as I looked at the back of a bear's head. Turning my gaze from that I saw another form laying on a wolf skin rug. Her hair was rosy gold, her skin was very pale, her ears were triangles. An Elf, then again she was paler than most Elves I had met and her ears were smaller so partially Elven, or perhaps a different type of Elf. Her eyes were closed so either she was asleep or unconscious.

An orange glow caught my attention.

I managed to maneuver myself so I could see where the glow was coming from and gasped.

Of course I had seen her race before but they were still fascinating to see. Her “hair” which appeared more like scaly tentacles sprouting from her head were red. She herself was peach skinned much like me. A red snake skin, no Dragon skin I corrected myself covered her torso. Her red wings erupted from her back. Unlike the Elven girl and I she was bound with chains and the orange glow was a ball of fire between her hands. She was one of our most powerful allies a Dracomuar.

The circumstances could have been better but no reason to be rude. True Father had sent out the Army when the new people had entered the country with weapons drawn. I was sure that once they reached the castle Father would meet them and explain how they didn't need to fight us “I'm Princess Nisara Desavira of...”

“Garaheim, I'm familiar with your name,” she answered “Amalira Nave'enKirma,”

“You may call me Nissy,” I informed her. My wrists burned against the rope. “Shame they didn't talk to her,” I thought “she is not as fearsome as she looks,”

She made no response as the fire pulsed in her hands.

“Where am I?” the question brought my attention back to the Elven girl. Her eyes were still closed.

“We are in an... what is your word for it...” Amalira answered “camp; I think; of a people who have killed Dragons and seem to have fun...” she paused again and said the next words in Dracomuaran “conquering people.”

I swallowed and translated what Amalira had said.

The fire vanished as Amalira turned her gaze on me “You speak Dracomuaran?”

“Of course, your people are allies,”

“Yes, well we thought your people would be safe, we didn't expect them to climb over the mountains so easily.” Amalira sighed.

“Well I am sure that once Father talks to them they will be our allies and we can put this terrible misunderstanding behind us,” I gasped “you must think me terribly rude for not introducing myself when you woke up...” I tried to direct my attention back to the Elven girl.

“I heard,” the girl answered “Tandrilyn but most people call me Tandri,”she paused for a moment “anything else you can tell me?”

“Nothing that looking around won't tell you,” I sighed. “Why hasn't she opened her eyes? Everything would be obvious” I wondered silently.

Tandri gave a small laugh “I'm...” she cut herself off “I hear someone coming.”

“I don't hear anything,” I responded just before I did hear the steps of a men in metal.

There were three of them all of them wore metal suits of armor. Few people in Garaheim wore it. We had an Army that we prayed we'd never use. Their armor was far heavier than any I'd ever seen

“Naughty, Naughty Lizard girl,” the man in front stopped in front of Amalira “trying to escape well it isn't going to work. We took precautions. Those chains absorb all five of the elements you Lizard Freaks can use,”

Amalira's fire vanished and she turned as though she had just noticed their arrival. She cursed him foully in Dracomuaran before quirking a scaly red eyebrow.“All five?”

“Yes all five,” he raised his hand “Fire, lightning, ice, acid, poison,” he lowered a finger with each element “so don't waste your energy. However tell us where the Prismatic is and life will be much easier for you.”

“All I can tell you is they're cowards,” Amalira answered.

“Hm interesting,” the leader rubbed his chin “we've interrogated others of your kind and they've all said the Prismatics will return and save us, now why do you disagree?”

“Because I saw them flee,” Amalira answered in a whisper lowering her head.

“I see, but then you know what direction they flew, if you tell us that much then you won't be tortured.”

Amalira cursed him again in Dracomuaran.

“I don't know what you said but I didn't like it,” the leader informed her before walking over to me “Princess Nisara Desavira I believe?”

“Yes,” I answered “I think we have had a terrible misunderstanding. I know Father would still be willing to negotiate.” I knew he had sent the army out to defend when they'd first arrived but that was only because they were attacking. This was all a huge misunderstanding.

The three men laughed.

“Negotiate...” the leader stroked his bare chin again “yes such an interesting primitive word. This is our plan for you: We will take you home where you will marry the appointed governor of your Kingdom. You will them show your people how lucky they are to be Vizeran. Your children will learn how to fight,”

“Sir that is not how negotiation works. Both nations...”

“Ah, I'll stop you there. There are not two Nations, there is only one Nation and that is Vizera.”

“All are Vizeran.” the two other men shouted in unison.

One of the other men appeared Elven but very pale. The other had two teeth protruding from his mouth. The man speaking to me appeared human only slightly darker than me but the sun could have done that.

“Captain there's something wrong with this one,” the tusked one said.

“There is nothing wrong with me!” Tandri snapped.

The human turned and approached Tandri. He waved his hand in front of her face.

Tandri's eyes were now open revealing they were silver. The pupils were absent in addition they made no movement.

I gasped as I realized the one thing that could mean. Never had I met someone who was blind but it was the only explanation.

“Interesting,” Captain smiled “what are the odds?”

Tandri said nothing nor did her face reveal her thoughts or emotions.

Captain grabbed Tandri's chin”Do you remember my voice?”

Tandri lifted her head out of fingers but still remained silent.

The Captain smiled “I think it was about twelve years ago I was tasked with taking children to be trained. One family I came across had a little girl, same hair color and eye color as you. I noted the same... complication and the boy, oh he must have been about sixteen so almost a man told me there's nothing 'wrong with my sister' the next morning they were gone. Now here I find another blind girl about the right age and similar unique features.”

Tandri's eyes were closed again.

“What does he mean taking children to be trained?” I wondered though didn't ask out loud.

“Now you may not be able to make it, pity” Captain sighed.

“So what do we do with her?” the tusked one asked.

“Find out what she knows, there are people in the woods, what can she tell us about them.”

“But if she can't see...” the tusked one answered

“She can hear you idiot!”

“I won't tell you anything,” Tandri answered.

“Oglen will have fun with these two. As for Hirgon's new bride she is not to be harmed is that clear? Nor is she to be untied. She needs time for this information to sink in without her running.” he nodded to the other men and left the tent.

“Surely we can work something out,” I thought “maybe I could talk with them more. Perhaps Hirgon was a nice man but if Father was in favor of this he would not agree without consulting me.”

The others followed him.

Amalira closed her eyes for several long moments “Looks like we have little choice, we're going to have to escape.”

“You have an idea how to do that?” Tandri asked.

“Yes,” Amalira sighed “I don't like it but I can't think of anything else,” she met my eyes “I'm going to reveal something to you and I need you to not react loudly.”

“Why can't you just tell me?” I asked.

Amalira rolled her eyes “Either way you'll see,” the red disappeared leaving white, no clear scales even her shirt was clear but enough layers kept her modest. Rainbows danced around her. She took a deep breath and the rainbows were pulled into her hands and formed a white ball.

“You said the Prismatics were cowards...” I whispered.

“Trust me we are...” she flinched “I am.”

“But they said the chains absorbed all five of the elements.”

“I know,” Amalira answered “it'll be obvious in a moment but I need to concentrate.”

The white orb extended into the chains cutting them. They fell with a soft clinking.

Amalira extended her wings and walked over to me.

“Tandri I wish you could see this,” I sighed as the rope fell from my hands and ankles. I stood and rubbed the marks on my wrists.

“Never had sight so it's not something I miss.” Tandri responded as Amalira walked over to release her. As the rope fell from her wrists she used one hand to stand. Her hair was just below her shoulders. “What is our next step?”

“I happen to know that this tent is against some woods,” Amalira answered as she approached the back of the tent. Again she paused for a few minutes.

Tandri raised her hands and walked forward.

I stepped in front of her to help.

Her hands met my chest and she sighed.

I spoke in Elven “How can I help?”

Tandri responded very tersely “By not standing in my way,”

“We're going to need to run,” Amalira said as she touched the tent wall and it turned from brown to white.”

“That I may need some help with,” Tandri admitted “Take my hand, I don't care which one.”

I took hold of her right hand as she lowered her left.

“Ready?” Amalira asked

I nodded.

“Yes,” Tandri answered.

Amalira tapped the large white circle she had created and it fell leaving room for us to escape. “Both of you go first, keep going straight Kirma will be waiting for us.”

“Who is Kirma?”

“Kirma is a dragon,” I responded.

Amalira nodded before glancing at Tandri “Yes, Kirma is a Dragon. Now go I'm not sure how much time we have before they return.”

With my free hand I picked up my skirt and then ran through the hole pulling Tandri with me.

There was no missing Kirma. She was as tall as the trees, her scales and wings were the same clear color as Amalira's. Rainbows danced around her and on her from the moonlight. She lowered her head.

Amalira wasn't far behind us. “We won't be able to out run them, we'll have to fly. Kirma says she's willing to give the two of you a ride.”

“Just a minute please,” Tandri whispered “I don't want to leave Ahjira,”

“We don't have time to search for anyone,” Amalira hissed.

“And we don't need to,” Tandri responded “I can sense her.”

Shortly after she said this a red wolf trotted up to us holding a long piece of wood. She nuzzled Tandri's hand with staff.

Tandri grasped the staff and patted the wolf's head “Good girl,”

Amalira paused for another long moment. “Alright fine,” she picked up the wolf and deposited her on Kirma's back. She did the same with Tandri and I. “Hold on tight.” she instructed.

“What about you?” Tandri asked.

“I have my own wings,” Amalira answered.

Kirma's wings began to flap creating a strong wind around her. She lifted out of the trees and vanished beneath us.

I gasped as obviously she was still there.

Amalira also vanished “We're bending the light around us so we can hide,” she explained.

“Light,” I smiled “that's what you used to break the chains,”

“Yes, we're actually glad our ability to use light isn't common knowledge. Only we can.” Amalira stated from somewhere beside us.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Somewhere far away from them,” was the Dracomuar's only answer.

“Perhaps we could head home and speak with Father,” I suggested “I'm sure there is a perfectly logical reason as to why negotiations have gone rather poorly.”

“I don't think the Vizeran's are diplomatic,” Tandri said.

“Well they did come in with weapons and kill many of our citizens but they are uneducated. We just need the time to educate them.”

“You do realize that towards your home is where the Vizerans are right?” Amalira asked.

“Yes, Father can't negotiate if they aren't there.”

Amalira sighed and Kirma made an arc.

We were not that far from home and having a representative of the Dracomuar would be a good bonus, she could easily inform her King of what was going on. It was difficult to know if Tandri was from the Elven Kingdom Of Avi'na'n or one of the villages in the woods which didn't serve any sovereign. Either way we would find a way to gather all of the Allies together and welcome the newest member: the Vizerans.

As we neared the castle I saw a figure standing on one of the towers. As neared the tower I recognized the golden beard of my Father. He was waiting for me.

He didn't move. Of course Kirma had us invisible. He didn't see us.

“I smell death on the wind,” Tandri whispered

“What do you mean you smell death?” I asked as Kirma stopped to hover in front of the tower.

It was only his head propped on something. Only his head.

I screamed.

“Nissy, I know this is hard but I need you to be quiet.” Amalira hissed.

“No I can't...” I sobbed.

Kirma was already turning around.

“I can't leave him like could they?” I asked “how could they do something like that? What kind of people...”I couldn't bring myself to say it. “There is always peace...” I whispered “There is always peace.”

Kirma began to descend.

“What are you doing?” I asked “we have to keep going,”

“We can't,” Amalira answered “We haven't slept in two days nor eaten and we've been flying for much of that time. We need rest.”

“Aren't you worried about the Vizerans finding us?” I asked.

“Yes,” Amalira hissed “but we're also worried about falling out of the sky.”

“Let them get their sleep while we stay up and make sure they get it then they can let us sleep.” Tandri suggested.

“I like her idea,” Amalira yawned.

“You mean keeping an eye out for danger, but Tandri how can you do that?”

“I can hear and smell. I can also sense animals and share most of their senses.” she explained.

“Most of their senses?” I asked “Then you can see...”

“No,” Tandri answered abruptly “That is the one sense I can't share, it was painful the one time I tried.” Poor Tandri, I couldn't imagine living my entire life without seeing anything ever.

Kirma landed.

I looked down to the ground unsure of how one dismounted a dragon.

Ahjira jumped down and barked.

Tandri slid off and landed right in front of Ahjira

I followed her lead. As I landed my left ankle twisted and I gasped.

“Are you alright?” Tandri asked.

“Fine,” I responded as I limped forward

“Are you sure?” she asked “You're not putting equal weight on your feet,”

“How can you tell that?” I gaped at her.

“I can hear your steps through the brush and I heard them while we were running too so this is not your normal gait.”

I nodded. “I think I twisted my ankle,” I answered.

“That's easy to treat,” Tandri responded as she felt along a belt of pouches I hadn't noticed before. She placed her hand inside one and pulled out a piece of bark. With one more rub of her thumb she spoke “This is willow bark it should help with the pain.” she held the bark up in her hand

I stared at the bark in her hand.

“Don't tell me you're one of those who hates to take medicine,” Tandri sighed.

“No,” I swallowed “how can you be sure?”

“I've been training to be a Shaman for our village,” there was a note of pride in voice “Shaman Hilde chose me because she believes I have natural talent. I know the feel and smell of herbs and what they do. Now are you going to come take this from me?”

“Oh yes of course,” I stepped forward and grabbed the bark.

Amalira yawned.

“You should probably be getting to sleep soon,” Tandri informed her “if need be Nissy and I can sleep during the flights,”

“I know but we needed to establish some rules for you two while we're asleep: No fires or any other form of light near us and no turning us into the Vizerans,”

“That last one is obvious,” Tandri muttered “but why no fire? Not that either of could make a fire but why that rule?”

Amalira stared at Tandri for a long moment “How did you lose your sight?”

“I never had it,” Tandri responded.

Amalira nodded “I'm not sure how to explain it to you but I'm sure Nissy has an idea,”

There was very little light in the clearing for their scales to radiate the rainbows. “The rainbows that form around you that's it, isn't it?”

“Yes,” Amalira answered as she laid down against Kirma's side.

“So then it's a visual thing,” Tandri responded “it's alright you don't have to explain it to me beyond that. I understand enough

“But you can manipulate light, why don't you just keep that from happening?” I asked her.

Amalira sighed“Because with any element you need to concentrate on it. We can't keep concentrating while we sleep.”

“Oh, I suppose that would make things difficult yes,” I swallowed afraid I had offended her by suggesting it “Is there something we can call you for short?” the thought occurred me that she had not revealed her nickname and it looked like we were going to be traveling together “If you don't have one we could call you Amy or Liry maybe...”

“Ama, my friends and family call me Ama and Kirma says,” she smiled “shorten her name and you'll be roasted or frozen depending on what mood she's in or both,”

I swallowed as the large clear iridescent eyes focused on me “Kirma is short and very pretty.”

Kirma nodded and closed her eyes.

Amalira draped her wings around her before falling asleep under Kirma's.

I wished that I could sleep or that I was asleep and this was dream. Father's head was burned into my mind. The willow bark was still in my hand. I turned to find Tandri.

She was walking towards the edge of the clearing sweeping her staff in front of her.

Ahjira trotted by Tandri's side, the opposite side of the staff.

I bit off a piece of the willow bark. I gagged as the tasted entered my mouth.

There was a soft rustle and a tap.

I turned and saw Tandri walking towards me. “It was your Father who died wasn't it?”

I nodded.

Tandri stood silently.

Of course she couldn't see my head move “Sorry, yes.”

“Why do you keep apologizing?”

I keep shaking or nodding my head to answer you...”

Tandri laughed “You don't have to apologize every time. I'm guessing I'm the first blind person you've met.”

I nodded. “Sorry, yes you are.”

“Nissy, it's fine,” she was still laughing “how about this when you remember I can't see your head just tell me your answer. You really don't need to apologize. Because to be honest if you hadn't been apologizing I never would have known. I'm not holding it against you.” she walked away sweeping her staff in front of her. She stopped “I'm sorry about your Father.”

“Thank you,” I whispered.

She continued to the other side of the clearing.

I looked out of the clearing into the woods. My mind raced. How had a century of peace ended this way? No. I shook myself. It was not over “There is always peace,” I fingered the pendant around my neck. A griffon, a dragon, a manticore, and sphinx held their talons and paws on each other. The griffon was on top only because it was our chosen symbol. Around the four beasts the words “There is always peace” written in Gamarin, Domri Elven, Domri Dwarven and Dracomuaran. These people these Vizerans had not made it far beyond Garaheim. There was still time to reach our allies. Perhaps they could help these poor people see reason. That was what I had to do and though I was saddened by Father's death which technically made me Queen I had to be bold and show our allies that I was alright. Just a smile and a continued sweet temper was all I needed. I could do that. I had to do that.

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