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From Page to Screen: Willy Wonka

Have you ever read a book and envisioned the actor who would be perfect as a character should that book ever become a movie? Or what about reading the book which inspired a movie? Can you see anyone else in that role?

One of the most iconic books to be made into a movie was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Of course there have been two movies made based on the book, but my focus will be on the first one Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I'd like to narrow my focus down even more to Willy Wonka himself.

Looking at the cover of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (one of the early ones) you can see the eccentric candy man cheering. This was how Eric Idle translated Roald Dahl's vision. Idle seemed to understand Dahl. When it came time to make a movie based on the book though how do you find an actor who looks like that iconic image? It seems in 1971 they were able to find such an actor. Even his hair looks similar to the illustration. The first time he appears on screen you see Willy Wonka. Of course there is more to playing a role than looking the part.

"I'd like to come out with a cane, and be crippled," and I said, "because no one will know from that time on whether I'm lying or telling the truth." And he said, "You mean--if we don't do that, you won't do the part?" And I said, "Yeah, that's what I'm saying." [imitates the producer mumbling to himself] "Okay. Okay. We'll do it." And I, and I meant it, too. Because it was a tricky part. But that element, of "who knows? is he lying, or is he telling the truth?" is what my main motor was. And I liked that; it appealed to me a lot. ~Gene Wilder

In my opinion the best actors are those who are so immersed in the role that for the duration of the movie you can forget they are an actor. For years I did not know that David Tennant was in the Harry Potter films. He was such a different character from that of The Doctor I didn't recognize him. Gene Wilder in my opinion was one of these actors as referenced in his quote above. He is right it worked. Even though in the book Willy Wonka doesn't do this I find myself able to believe he would. As the movie continues there is never any doubt that this is Willy Wonka. There is more than a sommersalt. The entire movie still hinges on maintaining the character. Gene Wilder is able to bring out the personality from the books almost perfectly.

On the other hand I think I should mention the remake. I have seen Johnny Depp immerse himself in a role (Captain Jack Sparrow) but when you see him as Willy Wonka it's not Willy Wonka. The look is wrong and the personality is... way off. I'm sure he's trying and I have nothing against him but he wasn't Wonka... he was Johnny Depp being creepy.

Gene Wilder did many films and television appearances throughout his life even into 2015. He will always be an icon in movie history, an irreplacable icon. And for many people he is Willy Wonka.

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